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Dynamic Programming Template

  • First read, Intro to Dynamic programming
  • Dynamic programming starts by solving sub-problems and builds up to solving the big problem.
  • Every dynamic-programming algorithm starts with a grid.
    • The values in the cells are usually what you’re trying to optimize.
    • For the knapsack problem, the values were the value of the goods.
  • At each step/cell of DP, we will make a decision that will maximize/minimize our output depending on what we want.
#first row initialization

#first column initalization

#current_value = max(prev_value, curr + some_value_from_last_row)
cell[r][c] = max(cell[r-1][c], current + cell[r-1][c-items_weight])

for r in range(Row):
for c in range(Column):
cell[r][c] = max(cell[r-1][c], current + cell[r-1][c-items_weight])
  • It's possible to use 2D, nD array to solve DP problems however using dictionary will make things a lot easier.

Bounded Knapsack Question(0/1 knapsack)

  • You’re a thief with a knapsack that can carry 4 lb of goods.
  • You have three items that you can put into the knapsack.
    • Guitar -> 1lb -> $1500
    • Stereo -> 4lb -> $3000
    • Laptop -> 3lb -> $2000
  • What items should you steal so that you steal the maximum money’s worth of goods?
from collections import defaultdict
dp = defaultdict(int)
items = [['G', 1500, 1], ['S', 3000, 4], ['L', 2000, 3]]

for r in range(3):
for c in range(1, 5):
items_weight = items[r][2]
if items_weight > c:
dp[(r,c)] = dp[(r-1,c)]
elif items_weight == c:
dp[(r,c)] = max(dp[(r-1,c)], items[r][1])
dp[(r,c)] = max(dp[(r-1,c)], items[r][1] + dp[(r-1, c-items_weight)])


Unbounded Knabsack

#current_value = max(prev_value, curr + some_value_from_this_row)

#first row initialization

#first column initalization

cell[r][c] = max(cell[r-1][c], current + cell[r][c-items_weight])